GROUP Nature-Based Speech Language Pathology

A kid in nature, with peers, learns faster, has more fun, and develops their best communication skills without even realizing it. During the 8 weeks in Communication Sprouts, your child will … - Communicate their needs, wants, ideas, opinions, stories and observations. Expressing themselves with language reduces the need to communicate with behaviour (tantrums and hitting, I’m lookin’ at ... Read More

A kid in nature, with peers, learns faster, has more fun, and develops their best communication skills without even realizing it.

During the 8 weeks in Communication Sprouts, your child will …

- Communicate their needs, wants, ideas, opinions, stories and observations. Expressing themselves with language reduces the need to communicate with behaviour (tantrums and hitting, I’m lookin’ at you).

- Better understand you, their siblings, their peers, their teachers and other communication partners better. Understanding others’ language leads to less confusion and a sense of mental and emotional safety

- Want to come to group nature-based speech therapy - not fight you. They will build communication skills while growing friendships, creating memories, and igniting environmental interest.

- Be safer. They will have the communication tools to understand safety information and report unsafe situations to trusted adults. This includes unsafe physical and emotional situations.

- Practice skills in a real-life setting with peers. Your child will participate in small groups of other children with support from Rebecca Wong Kai Pun, regulated SLP. They will practice their communication skills in a setting that mirrors “real-life” communication rather than a sterile clinical setting.

I am a registered Speech-Language Pathologist (Reg. CASLPO) who is passionate about empowering parents and thinking outside the clinical box when it comes to serving families.

As a Speech-Language Pathologist who has worked in both the private and public sectors, I became frustrated with the limitations to serving families in a creative and family-centred way. Bloom grew out of this desire to create a community-based offering that empowers families in optimizing communication and literacy for their children.

I’m excited that you’re here and look forward to serving you through one of Bloom’s many offerings

I am a registered Speech-Language Pathologist (Reg. CASLPO) who is passionate about empowering pa... Read More

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